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沈洁,女,教授,理学博士,硕士研究生导师。辽宁省数学会副理事长,大连市数学学会秘书长,辽宁省第十二届运筹学会理事。辽宁省优秀教师,国家级一流本科专业负责人,国家级一流本科课程负责人,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目负责人。主持获批2项国家自然科学基金项目(一项面上,一项青年),共计发表论文70余篇。美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员。现担任新葡萄8883官网AMG院长。




















1. 几类级数问题的理论研究与实际应用,主持人,获评国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目,2020年。

2. 指导学生参加全国大学生数学竞赛,8人次获得辽宁省一等奖。


1. 网络通讯中的优化模型与近似束方法的计算研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),(61877032),2019.1-2022.12,50万元,项目负责人。


3. 非精确束方法理论分析与有效算法的研究,辽宁省科技厅项目,(20170540573),2017.5-2019.4,5万元,项目负责人。

4. 非精确束方法理论分析与实际应用研究,辽宁省教育厅项目,(LF201783607),2017.10-2020.9,5万元,项目负责人。

5. 非光滑优化算法在工程及变分不等式中的应用研究,辽宁省教育厅2010年度科研项目,(L2010235),2010.5.21-2012.5.21,4万元,项目负责人。


7. 基于概率测度扰动分析的锥约束分布鲁棒优化的渐近分析,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),(11671183),2017.1-2020.12,主要参研人员(排名第三)。

8. 非光滑优化理论及其应用,辽宁省教育厅2008年度高等学校科研项目,(2008376),2008.1-2010.12,2万元,主要参研人员(排名第一)。



1. 沈洁 庞丽萍, A Quasi-Newton Bundle Method Based on Approximate Subgradients, 获辽宁省数学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖,2005年。

2. 沈洁 夏尊铨 庞丽萍, A proximal bundle method with inexact data for convex nondifferentiable minimization, 获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖,2006年。

3.沈洁 庞丽萍, A bundle- type auxiliary problem method for generalized variational inequality, 获大连市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2006年。

4. 沈洁 庞丽萍, An Approximate Bundle-Type Auxiliary Problem Method for Generalized Variational Inequality, 获大连市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2009年。

5. 沈洁 庞丽萍 李丹,An approximate quasi-Newton bundle-type method for nonsmooth optimization, 获辽宁省数学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖,2014年。

6. 沈洁 庞丽萍,A proximal analytic center cutting plane algorithm for solving variational inequality problems, 获辽宁省自然科学学术成果三等奖,2013年。

7. 沈洁 郭方芳 庞丽萍,非光滑凸规划不可行拟牛顿束方法的收敛性分析,获辽宁省数学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖,2016年。

8. 沈洁 李丹 庞丽萍,A cutting plane and level stabilization bundle method with inexact data for minimizing nonsmooth nonconvex functions,获辽宁省数学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖,2017年。

9. 沈洁,An approximate redistributed proximal bundle method with inexact data for minimizing nonsmooth nonconvex functions, 获大连市优秀科技成果奖一等奖,2017年。


1. Jie Shen,Ya-Li Gao, Fang-Fang Guo,Rui Zhao, A redistributed bundle algorithm for generalized variational inequality problems in Hilbert spaces.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 35(04)(2018) 1-18. (SCI检索)

2. Jie Shen, Jian Lv, Fang-Fang Guo, Ya-Li Gao,Rui Zhao, A new proximal Chebychev center cutting plane algorithm for nonsmooth optimization and its convergence, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 14(3)(2018), 1143-1155. (SCI检索)

3. Fang-Fang Guo, Jie Shen,A smoothing approach for minimizing a linear function subject to Fuzzy relation inequalities with addition-mini composition,

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,21(1)(2019),281-290. (SCI检索)

4. Dan Li, Jie Shen, Yuan Lu, Li-Ping Pang, Zun-Quan Xia. A class of alternating linearization algorithms for nonsmooth convex optimization. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. 35(2)(2019),435–443. (SCI检索)

5. Jie Shen, Zun-Quan Xia and Li-Ping Pang, A proximal bundle method with inexact data for convex nondifferentiable minimization. Nonlinear Analysis A : theory, methods and applications, 66 (2007), 2016-2027. (SCI, EI检索)

6. Shen Jie and Pang Li-Ping, A bundle-type auxiliary problem method for generalized variational-like inequality Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55(2008),2993—2998. (SCI检索)

7. Shen Jie and Pang Li-Ping, An approximate bundle-type auxiliary problem method for generalized variational inequality Mathematical and Computer Modeling,48(2008),769-775. (SCI, EI检索)

8. Jie Shen and Li-Ping Pang,A proximal analytic center cutting plane algorithm for solving variational inequality problems,Journal of Applied Mathematics. vol. 2012, Article ID 503242, 10 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/503242.(SCI检索)

9.Jie Shen, Li-Ping Pang and Dan Li,An approximate quasi- Newton bundle-type method for nonsmooth optimization,Abstract and Applied Analysis. vol. 2013, Article ID 697474, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/697474.(SCI检索)

10. Jie Shen,Xiao-Qian Liu,Fang-Fang Guo,Shu-Xin Wang,An Approximate Redistributed Proximal Bundle Method with Inexact Data for Minimizing Nonsmooth Nonconvex Functions,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 215310, 9 pages. (SCI检索)

11. Jie Shen, Dan Li, and Li-Ping Pang, A Cutting Plane and Level Stabilization Bundle Method with Inexact Data for Minimizing Nonsmooth Nonconvex Functions,Abstract and Applied Analysis. vol. 2014, Article ID 192893, 6 pages, 2014.(SCI检索)

12. Li-Ping Pang, Jie Shen and He-Shan Song, A modified predictor-corrector algorithm for nonconvex variational inequality,Computers and mathematics with applications, 54 (2007),319-325. (SCI, EI检索)

13. Pang Li-Ping , Shen Jie and Wang Wei,Two parallel distribution algorithms for convex constrained minimization problem,Applied mathematics and computation,186(2007),1762-1771. (SCI, EI检索)

14. Si-Jia Jiang,Li-Ping Pang and Jie Shen, Existence of solutions of generalized vector variational–type inequalities with set-valued mappings,Computers and mathematics with applications, 59(2010),1453-1461. (SCI, EI检索)

15. Lu Yuan, Pang Li-Ping, Shen Jie, Liang Xi-Jun, A decomposition algorithm for convex nondifferentiable minimization with error,Journal of Applied Mathematics. volume 2012.(SCI检索)

16. Yang Yang, Liping Pang, Xuefei Ma, Jie Shen.,Constrained nonconvex nonsmooth optimization via proximal bundle method,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 163 (2014), 900-925. (SCI检索)

17. Shen Jie and Pang Li-Ping, A Quasi-Newton Bundle Method Based on Approximate Subgradients,Journal of applied mathematics and computing(Korea), 23(1-2)(2007),361-367. (EI检索)

18. Pang Li-Ping and Shen Jie,An UV-algorithm for semi-infinite multiobjective programming,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 21(1-2)(2006),307-313. (EI检索)

19.Zun-Quan Xia, Jie Shen and Li-Ping Pang, A Sequential Bundle Method for Solving a Class of MPEC Problems, Journal of Information and Computational Science,4(1)(2007) 331—337. (EI检索)

20. Jie Shen, Li-Ping Pang, An approximate bundle method for solving variational inequalities,Communications in Optimization Theory, 1(1)(2012) 1-18.

21. Jie Shen and Li-Ping Pang,An iterative algorithm for a system of variational-like inclusions involving maximal \eta monotone operators, Far EastJournal of Applied Mathematics, 71(1)(2012), 55-63.

22. Jie Shen,Li-Ping Pang and Zun-Quan Xia, An infeasible bundle method based on approximate subgradients for nonsmooth optimization,International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications,6(3)(2004), 285-291.

23. Jie Shen and Li-ping Pang, An ishikawa type perturbed iterative algorithm for a system of variational inclusions with ()-monotoneoperators,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 70 (6) (2011), 865-872.

24. Shen Boqian and Shen Jie, A sufficient and necessary condition of the existence to a double bun type separatrix cycle for axial symmetry cubic system,Annals of Differential Equations, 17(4)(2001),336-342.

25. Shen Jie and Shen Boqian, On the separatrix cycle for cubic system in type of clam shamped curve,Annals of Differential Equations, 18(1)(2002), 51-57.

26. 沈洁,郭方芳,庞丽萍,非光滑凸规划不可行拟牛顿束方法的收敛性分析,数学进展,45(2)(2016),299-308. (B类)


1. 《集合论与现代数学基础》(副主编),新葡萄8883国际官网出版社,2011.